Jack turned 8 months yesterday...I can't believe it! I feel like not a whole lot has changed in the last month though, but here are a few things I thought of.
- He has more hair
- He is sitting up much better and can pretty much hold his own bottle. However, if you offer to hold it for him, he's happier and would rather pull his hair and mess around if you'll hold it for him.
- We have been thinking he's been getting a tooth for a month now, and still nothing. He is constantly gnawing on his fingers and anything else he can get his hands on. He's fussy at times and I keep thinking it's b/c of a tooth, but he must be close! You can see the bumps for them, but no white yet.
- Jack has been sleeping through the night very consistently. Every once in a great while he'll cry b/c he can't find his pacifier, but it's less than once a week. He is napping a few times a day, but we are not on a great routine. Usually a morning nap and then again while Hunter naps in the afternoon.
- He is still a fairly happy baby!
- Jack knows what he wants...when he sees food, cup, bottle, or anything else he wants, he'll cry like "GIVE IT TO ME NOW".
- He does not like getting dressed...he hates when you pull clothing over his head...he squirms and cries and makes it take longer than it needs to!
- Still no crawling...my kids are slower in that department, although I should not complain b/c once he's mobile life will be harder. Hunter walked around 13-14 months. Nick walked at 10 months, so who knows. I think Hunter started crawling around 8 months, so we'll see what happens with Jack.
- He is still on a bottle and baby food now. He pretty much likes everything and we try to give him prunes at least once a day b/c his poops are funny if we don't :)
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