My sister pointed out that since I finally caved and joined FB, I have neglected my's true! I want to keep this up b/c my Mother's Day gift each year is having the year printed into a huge book. I like to journal here for the kids...and it's so fun to look back at!
The other night my dad came for dinner. The kids were off the wall. They were really excited to go to the dentist that afternoon and so happy grandpa was coming...they were beating him up, so he got the hard hat for protection.
They have this light sabers (they call life savers) that they like to sword fight with. Thanks Star Wars.
Hanging out in the theater room :)
I am getting brave...I went to the eye dr and decided to try some new glasses. I rarely wear glasses, but maybe I will now that I have some fun ones!
From the front they aren't as crazy! I love how you can see the hint of pink at different angles though.
New shoes!! I ordered them as a "treat" since I had a great month at work :) I heart pink (and shoes).
Jack finally moved to a big kid soccer class. He was loving the parent/child class and it really was time to be done with that. He did ok for the first time, but kept running over to the side to see me.
The coach is hilarious. He sounds like he smokes a lot of pot--he's so funny, hippy-ish, etc. I am not sure if it's more fun for the kids or the parents. He is actually wonderful with the kids and that's all that matters :)
Hunter got to bring a friend to soccer last night. Alex from down the street came--he's 7 and in 2nd grade. They had SO much fun. The coach loved Alex so much and said he could come back any time to visit for free! Alex scored several goals and I think Hunter scored 1 or 2.
Last year, not much interest in the bike...this year his legs are long enough and it's much more fun!! I love his boots and coat :)